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Tailgating Challenge, the Magic Behind the Marketing
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If you’re looking for a place to find some of the latest and coolest gear for your Tailgating experience, Tailgating Challenge is the place to go. We came across this site on Facebook when we were researching new product ideas. When we scrolled through their feed, we instantly understood why they were so popular.
We caught up with Luke, the founder, and asked him a few questions to find out what made Tailgating Challenge such an great company. Many people have great ideas but few actually follow through. “I created this company as something I do in addition to my regular 9-5 job so to speak. It started off as small fun side project and turned into one of the largest tailgating specific sites in the world. Tailgating Challenge is all about challenging yourself to continue to tailgate better."
Like most great ideas, this one came to him while lying in bed one night in 2012. If you scroll all the way back to the beginning, you’ll find the first product he promoted. A griddle that allows you to sear your team's logo into your burger. Now if that doesn’t scream Tailgate, I don’t know what does. He’s also featured some of the most innovative gear in the tailgating world such as the Bug-A-Salt which is an air gun that is a uses table salt to destroy bugs, and his favorite, the motorized go cart cooler (Cruzin Cooler). Yes, you heard right… a motor powered, riding, driving, rough and rugged, drink and food holding cooler.

We went to Luke and his marketing company, Tailgating Challenge, early in our Facebook life seeking his help gaining fans. He explained how it all worked. 3 days of giveaways, Like, Share and Tag which all result to more followers as well as a burst of Facebook marketing like no other. After our 3 day promotion was over, we had around 300 new Facebook fans and had a consistent trail of followers joining daily even after the promotion was over. We knew we had a great product but we definitely wouldn’t be where we are now without the help of Tailgating Challenge and their amazing fans.
We asked about the plans for the future and we got an answer we didn’t quite expect. “This year we expanded to start adding more camping specific items as we discovered that fans who love tailgating may also be big campers and vice versa. Easy to see in hindsight as you are getting outside and spending time with friends, grilling food and relaxing.” This just shows that this unique Facebook marketing page is planning on sticking around for the long haul.
If you’re looking to boost traffic to your Facebook site with anything tailgating related, be sure to stop by and talk to Luke over at Tailgating Challenge. You can search social media for Tailgating Challenge or stop by their website at TailgatingChallenge.com.
BONUS… if you want to find out how Luke worked to create the world’s first National Tailgating Day coming Fall 2016, Click here.
BONUS… if you want to find out how Luke worked to create the world’s first National Tailgating Day coming Fall 2016, Click here.