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Day 4-Saturday (New Orleans)
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We decide to sleep in and stay in Houston over night to take advantage of the great bed and food we had as well as visiting the family. We over sleep a little and wake up around noon. Fortunately we didn’t have to be in New Orleans until 7pm. So we stick around and enjoy a farewell breakfast from the cousin as we sit and chat. Finally we take off to New Orleans. On the way out of town about 15 cop cars block off the street and race by. And before that a 12 year old hops into a car and drives away at the gas station. Pretty sure there was a high speed chase going on somewhere but I guess we’ll never know.
On the road we run into a little rain as we leave Texas. And by little I mean 20 ft of visibility. Pushing on reminds me of my summers growing up in Georgia where thunderstorms would come and go every week. We are almost in town and realize we need batteries for our event, so we get lost driving around looking for this Home Depot with 1 entrance. We rush out and meet the group at the park. With around 20 people, were excited to host our very first New Orleans CycleLights ride. We distribute peoples orders and help them install lights all while taking and getting to know each of the riders. As we take off for the ride I set up the video camera and start recording. We ride through the streets, rolling past the beautiful architecture, the river and Burbon street.
After the ride we get a personal bike tour from the ride organizer and stopping at Café de Monde for We park the car in a new location and hit the streets of New Orleans. First stop is the location where the ride ended, which was a local bar. We never made it in because we were caught talking to a few people outside who were very interesting. Sol was a poet/soul/rapper who told us about Miami and Steffy baby loved criticizing our lights but she did end up pushing the idea to a local pedicaber. We then take off to another street where we more a few guys who were very drunk but very helpful. Them we visited a bar called Jax, The took a trip to Burbon street. Burbon street was a surprise how trashy it looked. It was packed with people but was littered with bottes and cups. After getting some video and taking a nap on a patio we head to a safe location to sleep and park for the night.
To be continued.....
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